Training Program - Sustainable Development and Urban Resilience

With the support of Banco Ciudad Foundation and Foro del Sur Foundation, we launched a face-to-face training program called "Sustainable Development and Urban Resilience" for professionals in the private, academic or public sector of the City of Buenos Aires, with the aim to provide knowledge and the necesary tools to understand the agenda and to contribute to the achievement of a sustainable future.

The program was structured into four modules: 1) Leadership in Sustainable Development and Urban Resilience, 2) Planning for Sustainable Urban Mobility, 3) Strategies for a Circular Economy in Cities, 4) Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change. 

The program was lectured by renowned professionals (Rodrigo Rodríguez Tornquist, Gabriel Blanco, Andrés Pizarro, Laura Cruz, Agustina Besada and Pablo Vazano). All classes and provided materials were online.

With Support from: Fundación Banco Ciudad - Fundación Foro del Sur

Date: April- May 2019

Link: Videos