Closed workshop "Urban logistics and sustainability: challenges, opportunities and strategies for public-private collaboration".

The purpose of the workshop was to promote the exchange of experiences on the adoption of urban logistics strategies in LAC cities, with the aim of making visible the importance and impact of freight transport on urban mobility and the sustainability of cities, and to identify challenges and key aspects for the formulation and implementation of policies, plans and actions for sustainable urban logistics, with a focus on public-private articulation.

With support from: GIZ - LEDS GP - LEDS LAC

In collaboration with: Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina CAF, proyecto EcoLogistics de ICLEI SAMS, y Comunidad de Práctica sobre Involucramiento del Sector Privado en Procesos de Política Climática de LEDS LAC

Project: Transport Working Group y LEDS GP

Date: November 2020

Links: Website