Webinar: Escazú Agreement

The cycle of webinars was held with the objective of introducing the Escazú Agreement, an innovative environmental treaty that recognizes procedural environmental rights in Latin America and the Caribbean that highlight the connection between people and the environment, the right of everyone to live in a healthy environment and the importance of their involvement to address the main challenges facing our world today.
It aims to guarantee access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters for people in all countries of the region, reduce socio-environmental conflicts and protect environmental defenders.
The Webinar Series introduced the participants to the topics of participation, information and environmental justice, as well as to the instruments arising from the Escazú Agreement itself, and experiences were presented by various organizations from Argentina, Chile and Colombia. It was promoted by the International Network of SDG Promoters together with Asociación Sustentar, the Escazú Now! Campaign, the University of Rosario, Global Environmental Agenda and the Climate Alliance.

With support from: Red Internacional de Promotores ODS - Escazú Ahora! - Universidad del Rosario - Agenda Ambiental - Alianza por el Clima

Date: April 2020